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Kokkoku (2018)

In Kokkoku, In order to save her brother and nephew who have been kidnapped by a religious group, Juri and…

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Koi wa Ameagari no You ni (2018)

In Koi wa Ameagari no You ni, Akira is a girl who barely expresses herself. She has a secret crush…

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Beatless (2018)

In Beatless, in a distant future, Arato has a fateful encounter with Lacia, an advanced robot who saves him from…

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Killing Bites (2018)

In Killing Bites, after a violent encounter, Yuuya meets a mysterious girl named Hitomi. At an abandoned waste facility, he…

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Spring Anime Season 2018

The Spring Anime Season 2018 is huge, there are so many series and sequels ready. You cannot miss Fullmetal Panic!…

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Mamotte Shugogetten! (1998)

In Mamotte Shugogetten!, Tasuke's parents are always travelling, so he lives on his own. One day his father sends him…

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Miira no Kaikata (2018)

In Miira no Kaikata, Sora is living a totally normal high school student life, until his self-proclaimed "adventurer" father sends…

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