Akira has just graduated from a prestigious university, he was even part of the rugby team, so he is physically fit.
Today, he joins his first job, and he could not be more excited, it is the company he wanted, the office position he longed to start his career and when he sees Saori, he believes that she could be the woman of his life.
The day goes by quickly, and his office mates invite Akira out for drinks to get to know each other. In the distance, he sees Saori at another table and is excited about the future.
But as soon as they finish drinking their beer, his colleagues tell Akira that it’s time to go back to the office and continue working.
Two days later, Akira returns to his house, exhausted from not getting enough sleep. His company exploits his employees, and it’s not hard to hear the employees brag about how many days they haven’t been home, or how many new illnesses they’ve had.
Akira begins to get discouraged, he doesn’t understand why he should keep the job, it would be enough to resign and look for other opportunities. But in those moments he remembers Saori, and decides to continue.
Three years pass by quickly, Akira miraculously survives, he hasn’t cleaned his apartment in months and begins to think that a zombie cataclysm would be a blessing in his existence.
At the office, he keeps going, he’s even been promoted, but the workplace abuse is ongoing and employees keep getting sick or quitting, so more work is piling up for those who stay.
Her relationship with Saori hasn’t progressed, and now he realizes that the head of the office is having an affair with her.
One morning, as he prepares to leave for work, Akira reads a notice from the building manager, asking for payment for parking her bike.
And although it is very early in the morning, Akira decides to knock on her door to make the payment. To his surprise, the door is open, and upon entering, he sees a human figure on top of the manager’s body.
It seems that Akira’s wishes have come true, since a zombie is devouring her, and when it sees him, the chase begins.
Instead of panicking, Akira begins to assess his future, and immediately realizes that he will not have to return to that job that he hates so much.
But in those moments, while he watches dozens of zombies in the streets, he recalls Saori and decides to go to her house to try to save her.
But when he arrives, he is greeted by the zombie of his boss, which Akira pushes out to find Saori. Unfortunately, the girl has also turned into a zombie, and Akira understands that there is nothing he can do to help her.
Now, Akira starts a new life, surprisingly less stressful than the one he had as an office worker.