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Seiren (2017)

In Seiren, Shouichi Kamita is an ordinary high school boy, who faces the university entrance exam; he is worried about…

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Nobunaga no Shinobi (2016)

In Nobunaga no Shinobi, Chidori is an young ninja, and she dreams of helping the Warring States-era warlord Oda Nobunaga…

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Spirit Pact (2017)

In Spirit Pact, You was hit by a car and became a ghost. Exorcist Tanmoku Ki appeared and asks him…

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Spring Anime Season 2017

The Spring Anime Season 2017 is big, specially for the Shingeki no Kyojin fans. But you will find more series…

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Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari (2016)

In Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, Souta returns to his hometown and finds a peculliar child in his family's…

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Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume (2016)

In Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, the world of girls' junior high ping pong is in turmoil. Koyori is the new…

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Soul Buster: Shousei Ran (2016)

In Soul Buster: Shousei Ran, famous figures from history can be summoned using cards, Son Shin is selected to fight…

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