In Seiren, Shouichi Kamita is an ordinary high school boy, who faces…
In Nobunaga no Shinobi, Chidori is an young ninja, and she dreams…
The Spring Anime Season 2017 is big, specially for the Shingeki no…
In Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, Souta returns to his hometown…
In Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, the world of girls' junior high ping…
In Soul Buster: Shousei Ran, famous figures from history can be summoned…
In Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru, attacks on the past plot to change history,…
In Trickster, a group of mysterious detectives solves cases great and small…
In Taboo Tattoo, Seigi rescues a man, and he gives him an…
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