Romberg was one of the most powerful magicians in the Demon Lord’s Army, and on one of his expeditions he found a human baby, instead of eliminating him, he decided to raise it as his grandson.
The magician decided to give the name Ike to his grandson, and from a very young age he taught him to develop his magic abilities. But also, Ike is not just any human and although he was raised as a demon, he has his previous memory as a human intact.
Years later, thanks to his skills, Ike is already in charge of the Seventh Corps in the army. And despite his youth, he has been sent to wrest possession of an important town from the humans.
Due to the memories of him as a human, Ike seeks to prevail without causing a massacre, although some of the demons would prefer to wipe out humans entirely.
Ike’s strategy is devastating and it doesn’t take him long to conquer the town, but unlike other demons, Ike orders his troops to heal the wounded and prepare for the transition of powers peacefully.
No wonder, Ike explains to his subordinates that humans will end up paying taxes to demons, so it’s best to keep them healthy and convinced they won’t be killed.
Ike locks himself in a town office and takes off the mask that covers his human face, but in his carelessness he ends up being seen by Sattie, a slave who was hiding in place.
In those moments, he is called to visit the chamber of the Demon Lord, whom Ike has never seen. Upon his arrival, he is greeted by Cefiro, the only person, besides Romberg, who knows his secret.
The Demon Lord ends up being a young girl, Dairokuten, with extraordinary power. However, Ike is able to hide his identity while she assigns him the task of governing and rebuilding the barely conquered region.
Instead of forcing the humans to do the job, Ike decides to employ them and help them with the strength of the demons, meanwhile, after speaking with Sattie, he asks her to work with him and not divulge his identity.