One day, in a high school like any other, something strange happens and suddenly the world the students know is transformed.
Without expecting it, one of those students opens her eyes and is surrounded by monstrous spiders, but her biggest problem is that she has transformed into one of them.
Despite the surprise, the girl begins to analyze her situation, but before she reaches a conclusion, hunger takes over her body, as she wanders and looks for something to eat, she sees how the other spiders devour the body of one of her same species.
Terrified, she walks away from what appears to be a nest, and runs into an immense spider, and it does not hesitate to devour the other young spiders.
The young girl discovers that in this world some rules of videogames apply, fortunately for her, she has spent a large part of her spare time in them. Somehow, she learns to use her web and without thinking, she ends up exhausted.
With no food at hand, the young spider decides to feed on anything on her way, and to her mortification, she ends up eating another spider. Thanks to this, she reaches some extra levels in her growth and can continue.
Later, she is able to catch a strange toad, and without hesitation, she decides to attack and eat it. In the process, she suffers some injuries, but at the same time gains some immunity to poison.
Meanwhile, in another part of the world a high society meeting is taking place, in it, many characters participate, including some royalty, however, in reality they are the reincarnation of more students. And in recent days they have tried to join others, even though their appearance has changed completely.
Then, we will see if the spider survives, and if she has a chance to find other students of her class along the way.
(蜘蛛ですが, なにか?)