This anime is the first full-fledged TV anime made with Adobe Flash. So far, episodes are about four minutes lenght including OP theme.
The Inhabitants of the Star are attacking Humans on the planet Tokinea, for polluting it with a machine civilaization. Humans who have only survived by science, wage war on the Inhabitants of the Star and have created “Demon Gods”, powerful weapons, to destroy the Inhabitants of the Star.
Now Yuuri Kaminoza and his new partner “Demon God 7”, whom he named Honoka, are the Ultimate weapon to destroy the Inhabitants of the Star.
Fight seems to be lost, but there is still one chance, Yuuri will fight against human beings, and a boy who is a partner of the girl.
It’s like a flash made Saikano… too be honest, there are better flash animations in Newgrounds.
Main Characters
Yuuri Kaminoza
Kaori Harusaki
Mika Kisaragi