In Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete, Utena is an introverted girl who admires Magical Girls, she dreams on experiencing a transformation…
In Dungeon Meshi, Laios and his party are attacked by a dragon, his sister ends up devoured. Before it happens,…
In Bucchigiri?!, Arajin returns home, and unexpectedly stumbles into a brawl with the toughest guys in town. A genie appears…
In Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari, Haruto knows that Hime is not an ordinary girl, and the same day he follows to…
In Sokushi Cheat, Yogiri's school bus is summoned to another world by a Sage who shows how horrible she and…
In 7th Time Loop, Rishe had her engagement to the crown prince annulled seven times. She always reincarnates at that…
In Gekai Elise, as an empress, Elise was a disaster, she reincartates in our world, becomes a doctor and decides…
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