Emperor Arnold is relentless in his pursuit enters a palace killing everyone in his way.
Four swordspersons stand protecting Prince Dietrich, but he skillfully face them. Last amongst the them is Riesche, who puts up a decent fight, just to get stabbed by him.
Suddenly, as the clock sounds, Riesche finds herself standing before the selfish Prince as he annuls their engagement. However, instead of being surprised, she instantly agrees and leaves him talking out loud.
As she walks out of the palace, she recalls that this is the seventh time she has relived her life.
Riesche remembers her first life, and the way Prince Dietrich humiliated her in front of the entire court. After that, instead of receiving love and care from her family, she gets disowned by her parents.
Then she is lucky as she comes across a group of merchants, who befriends her them, let Riesche join their journey and teach her how to trade and also become a merchant. Unfortunately for her, she ends up in the middle of a war an dies.
Her second life comes and surprises her, however she knows what to do and runs to her place to collect her things before meeting the merchants. But she is late to meet them and this time uses the money to travel the seas and study medicine. Once again, she is swept up in war and dies.
Her third life comes and Riesche decides to specialize in the branch of study that she had done in her previous life. Makes acquaintance with a genius scholar just to lose her life in the war.
Then, Riesche spends her life as a handmaid in a duke’s household and disguises herself as a man to fight as a knight.
Now, in the seventh life, she plans to do things differently. First, she decides to leave the castle in a different fashion and plans to jump out of a window.
On her way, she accidentally bumps into Prince Arnold in the hallway, before he is known as a cruel Emperor.
He is surprised to be recognized by Riesche, and even more once she flees jumping from a balcony after telling him about her recent annulment.
As Riesche arrives at her home, she finds the Prince Dietrich standing waiting to humiliate her in front of her family, but his words backfires completely.
Suddenly, Prince Arnold appears and does not hesitate to strike Riesche with his sword. She reflexively blocks the attack and Impressed even more Prince Arnold, who goes down on one knee and asks her to marry him.
(ループ7回目の悪役令嬢は, 元敵国で自由気ままな花嫁生活を満喫する)