A new video game has been released, and even older people have become interested in this fantasy world.
Taichi is a single, hard-working man who can spend a few hours playing online, so he decides to participate.
But instead of creating a character his age, he decides to show himself younger, with skills that are uncommon among players, which may seem boring, or even silly to some.
He names himself as Earth, uses a bow, extremely rare in this game, and has hand-to-hand combat skills and some magic, allowing him to create his own potions.
Immediately, he is approached by a golden-armored warrior, who sneers at the sight of his bow. Earth doesn’t pay attention and simply starts playing, to raise his stamina levels.
At the end of the first day, he reaches enough levels to start exploring, and after defeating some prey, he gets rewards for his work.
As the days go by, he meets other players, and even makes friends with a couple of guys, who find it interesting how he uses their skills.
After hunting some rabbits, Earth remembers that the game system is so advanced that it allows him to taste the flavors of food, and thanks to his skills as an alchemist, he can season his food.
After several attempts, Earth is satisfied with what he has achieved, but by cooking outdoors, he has whetted the appetite of many players, who agree to pay a lot to try the strange snack he has prepared.
Later, Earth attempts to perfect his healing potions, and even gives them flavors. He puts them up for sale, but don’t get the best reviews.
However, days later, something is modified in the game system and players lose the right to buy magic potions, so the few players like Earth begin to be harassed to prepare them.
Earth can’t cope, but he organizes himself thanks to the friends he has made while playing. But in an instant, the player in the golden armor arrives and demands him to share his potions immediately.
Earth tells him that he has to wait for his turn if he wants, and on that day, he is out of ingredients. The player does not accept what he tells him and tries to force him, but when he finds himself cornered, he decides to challenge Earth to a duel.
Confident that the archer does not have the power to defeat him, he does not hesitate to attack him with all his strength, only to be surprised by Earth’s agility and his physical combat skills.
From that moment on, despite wanting to play a small role in the game, he ends up being a sensation among other players.