Rentt wakes up eager to a new morning, he has been an adventurer for years, however, he struggles to make ends meet all the time.
As a veteran, he is recognized at the adventurer guild, but he prefers to work on his own. He approaches job board to find an opportunity for himself.
In the end, he decides to go to the Labyrinth of The Moon’s Reflection to explore.
As he enters the labyrinth, he enter a well known passages suddenly discovers a massive hole in a wall. Rentt decides to ventures into it, wondering if he could find something valuable, just to find a huge dragon.
He is immediately attacked, and later, Rentt wakes up and notices he has been turned into an undead skeleton.
He is able to contemplates his reflection and understands he cannot return to the city or else he will be finished by other adventurers.
After a while, he decides to find something to do in the labyrinth, he bumps with another skeleton and ends up defeating it. At that moment, Rentt understands he can recover energy by defeating monsters.
Then, Rentt recalls an old theory of evolution and considers to try evolving into a ghoul. He goes on a killing spree, killing as many skeletons as possible to power up.
In the meantime, Lorraine, Rentt’s old friend, is surprised that he hasn’t come to meet her lately.
Then he sets his eyes on a slime and attempts to attack it. He successfully strikes the core, and kills it instantly. He collects the slime residue to sell them later.
Rentt realizes his spirit energy, mana, and divinity are intact, and plans his way around the labyrinth. At that moment, he realizes that finally he is the kind of adventurer he always dreamt.
He continues defeating skeletons and slimes until he transforms into a ghoul.
Rentt is really happy to see some muscles in his body and immediately tries to talk. Unfortunately for him, he has the vocal cords of a ghoul and only makes scary noises.