Yokohama’s Emergency Kaiju Alert System activates, officials guide citizens to safe locations to escape as several helicopters arrive and try to draw the kaiju’s attention away from the escape routes.
Then, the Third Division makes its appearance to exterminate the kaiju. They are lead by Mina, who never hesitates her actions to destroy the monsters, even if part of the city ends up in shambles.
From afar, Kafka, part of the cleaning crew observer his childhood friend, Mina, in action. Once the monster is exterminated, Kafka’s crew begin to work completely behind the heroic scenes from the Third Division..
Clean-up workers don’t receive praise, but their job is also dangerous, Kafka gives orders at the time an organ bursts and its acidic blood hurts an ally. Kafka used to dream on becoming a hero like Mina, instead, thanks to his knowledge, he must tackle intestine cleaning duty constantly.
The next morning, they are introduced Reno, a recruit who wants to join the Defense Force. Kafka is asked to teach Reno to introduce him to the job, at the time he says he gave up on his dream to join the Defense Force.
Reno says he doesn’t plan to give up and runs to prepare his gear. Later, at the kaiju cleaning site, Kafka and Reno must handle the intestine duty.
As the day goes by, Kafka tells Reno he has passed the test, as he hands some tools to help him cope with the rest of the day duties.
Later, Kafka’s co-workers head home, and Reno thanks him for his assistance. But before he departs, he tells Kafka that the Defense Force applications’ age requirements was raised, and that he should not give up on his dream.
Suddenly, a yoju monster appears and attempts to devour them. Kafka saves Reno and tells him to head home and fulfill his dream.
Kafka tries to escape, but the yoju overpowers him completely. Before the beast eats Kafka, Reno arrives and saves him. Kafka wonders why Reno didn’t flee home, and he says a Defense Corp member would never abandon someone in peril.
Finally, they are saved and sent to a hospital, where Reno insists Kafka to apply to the Defense Corps. Kafka is encouraged by his words and says he will.
Suddenly, a bug-like kaiju appears before Kafka and enters his mouth, transforming him in a kaiju-like creature.