Suddenly, Takumi opens his eyes and in a flash he listens a man’s voice apologizing to him.
Sylphyryll informs him that due to his mistake, Takumi has lost his life. And to try to make up for it, he has decided to give him a new body and send him to another world.
Takumi arrives in a forest infested by monsters, but with the abilities that Sylphyryll has given him, he begins to overcome all kinds of obstacles.
To his surprise, he runs into a couple of children, who at first don’t know how to speak. Takumi thinks that the Gaia Forest is dangerous for them and invites them to accompany him.
Along the way, countless beasts appear, but instead of Takumi protecting the children, they end up fighting and defeating the monsters.
When he arrives at the nearest town, the soldiers are surprised to see him arriving from the Gaia Forest, which is practically forbidden.
Takumi is allowed to enter and immediately seeks to register as an adventurer, and in order to take care of the children, he also registers them as Alan and Elena.
It doesn’t take them long to take their first job and thanks to their skills, the children end up being a great help to Takumi.
In a church, Takumi observes a figure of Sylphyryll, and decides to pray to communicate with him. He tells Sylphyryll about Alan and Elena, and Takumi understands that he has something to do with their meeting, but is unable to obtain more information.
Now, Takumi has one more reason to live, care for and watch Alan and Elena grow up.
(異世界ゆるり紀行 ~子育てしながら冒険者します~)