Life with a pet is better, and with two it should be even more interesting, right? At the moment, Hidekichi has her hands full with Inu-kun, and, of course, Neko-sama.
It is not uncommon to see the hyperactive Inu-kun do all kinds of pirouettes in order to get the attention of her owner, or anyone, to be honest. On the other hand, Neko-sama is tired of seeing how the dog humiliates himself before inferior beings such as humans.
But Inu-kun doesn’t understand any of it, and he just thinks that people laugh with him, not at him. And just a little is enough for Neko-sama to get angry and he don’t hesitate to put Inu-kun and even Hidekichi in their proper place.
As soon as Hidekichi opens a bag with snacks, Inu-kun immediately appears and asks for a treat, the young woman does not know if she can give him a taste, after all, some foods are toxic for them, and as supposed, the dog only thinks that this will his lucky day.
Meanwhile, for Neko-sama, everything is absurd, if you want something, you just take it when everyone has gone to sleep. And he can be scary at night.
Another day, after a bath, Inu-kun shows his new appearance, for Hidekichi and whoever sees him it is ridiculous, but as usual, Inu-kun thinks they are paying attention to him and he is happy, picturing that all he does makes people happy.
But it is enough for him to approach Neko-sama to fall down from his cloud and receive a good blow to the face. Cats were meant to be feared and respected, be very careful.