Aoto and Shihono are part of her school’s broadcasting club, she is a passionate video game player, and he has been wanting to confess her love for her for a long time.
One day, when the rest of the broadcasting club members are busy, Shihono insists to Aoto that they should play “Love Me Magically“, an otome game full of adventures.
Finally, Aoto decides to play, and take advantage of the time to be close to Shihono, who by the way knows the game’s story perfectly, as well as the different routes of its protagonists.
As they begin, Shihono tells Aoto that it can be a good way for him to practice as a chronicler, and suggests that he do it as they play, and she offers to join him as an analyst.
The main character of the story is Fiene, a humble young woman who enters a prestigious academy, in which there are nobles, and even part of the kingdom’s royalty.
Fiene has the ability, but socially she doesn’t fit into such a school environment.
While the different characters that will conquer Fiene are presented, Aoto makes his comments, while Shihono offers the detail of each one of them.
At one point, they find Siegwald, the student council president, who is also the first heir to the throne. He tells Fiene that she doesn’t have to hesitate and ask for help if needed.
She does not wait any longer to tell him that she has doubts about what they had in class that morning, and he tells her that he will help.
While both are studying, an elegant young woman approaches them. She is Liselotte, Siegwald’s fiancée, and in an intimidating way asks Fiene what is she doing with the prince.
Siegwald asks Liselotte what she is doing at school, and she simply tells him that someone informed that her fiancée is spending time alone with a young woman.
He tells her that as student council president he offered to help Fiene with material she doesn’t understand, and Liselotte tells him that maybe she can also support an unprepared person like Fiene.
At that moment, something happens and suddenly, Siegwald begins to listen voices, the comments that Shihono and Aoto are making about Liselotte.
They mention that she has a hard time saying what she really feels, and that even though she doesn’t seem like it, she is also worried about Fiene.
Siegwald tells Liselotte that he has listened the voices of the gods, and to Shihono and Aoto’s surprise, he appears to interact with them outside of the game.
To check if it’s true, Shihono suggests Siegwald to kiss Liselotte. He decides to obey and ends up discovering how beautiful Liselotte looks when she blushes.
Shihono calms down and remembers that in the game’s story, Liselotte’s luck ends in tragedy, so she decides to persuade Siegwald to protect her.