Despite having powers beyond imagination, a man ends up being brutally murdered.
However, the next morning he opens his eyes and sees a green-skinned man talking to him while putting a huge caterpillar in his mouth.
He receives the name Gobrou and immediately understands that he has been reborn as a monster. A few days after being born, Gobrou begins to stand out among the rest of the infants and decides to make the most of his new life.
Days later, the old man who took care of them informs them that from that moment on they will have to find their own food.
Gobrou does not hesitate to leave, and Gobkichi, the biggest and strongest of his brothers, follows him. Gobrou convinces him to join him, and together they begin hunting other creatures.
By eating them, Gobrou realizes that one of the abilities he had in another life is still active, so by eating he begins to accumulate knowledge and powers.
Gobrou and Gobkichi begin to grow, and unlike their other siblings, they are not hungry. After a few days, they are joined by Gobmi, who does not hesitate to help them in exchange for food.
It doesn’t take long before Gobrou and Gobkichi evolve into a new species, and by sharing food and knowledge with the other monsters, they begin to develop a more organized society.
Gobrou is clear that his evolution is just beginning, and he is having the time of his life.