At a travel agency in Tokyo, Takuya is a diligent but very shy employee, so he takes too long to choose his words when addressing his boss Asako.
He has always been like this, so he doesn’t usually spend his day with other people. But he does feel a very heavy gaze on him from time to time: Rika’s.
On her side, Rika seems to be very stern, so most people respect her, if not, fear her a little.
At home, both have a very different behavior from their work routine. Takuya has a cat, which he has cared for so hard, that now that he finally feels comfortable around him, he wouldn’t leave it for anything.
Meanwhile, Rika is obsessed with maps, and has fun in her free time studying them, while remembering that she applied for a job at a travel agency, thinking she could use them.
Days later, Asako gathers her team together, they have been ordered to open a new office in Alaska, supposedly because that will be the new trend in the future.
To do so, they must select someone within the office, and although he never speaks, Takuya says that he can’t go to Alaska because of his beloved cat.
Asako tells them that she will only consider sending singles persons, and both Takuya and Rika are perfect for the job.
One afternoon, Rika runs into Takuya, who thanks her for her work and tells her that he will submit his resignation to the agency, since he doesn’t want to abandon his cat.
Without thinking it through, Rika suggests that they should pretend to be engaged, in the hope that in the future they will forget about them and don’t consider them for the new office.
Rika convinces him, and tells him that she will do everything necessary to fool Asako, who is asked to be discreet with her other coworkers.
But instead, Asako prepares a surprise party with all the employees of the office to celebrate them.
(結婚するって, 本当ですか)