From his deathbed, the Hero King Inglis, knows that he has dedicated his life to his people. He has no remorse and is sure that his beloved subjects will continue his work.
Before dying, the goddess Alistia, who accompanied and blessed him during his life, thanks him for his work and offers him the opportunity to ask for something special for himself. Inglis does not have a doubt, and tells her that thanks to her blessing, he could have been a great master with the sword, but by dedicating himself to his people, he abandoned that dream.
Therefore, Inglis asks Alisita to give him the chance to be reborn with such abilities and live a life of adventure and challenges. The goddess understands Inglis’s longing and grants him his wish.
Later, we contemplate the birth of a baby, or rather a beautiful girl. Despite this, Inglis maintains his memory and it doesn’t take too long befofe he discovers that his powers are also in him.
The alarms sound, and the city where he was born is attacked by a magical creature, and while the men go out to fight, the women take their children and seek to protect themselves.
Among them is Rafael, who at a young age already possesses enough power to fight, but has been ordered to stay behind, due to his lack of experience.
In addition, his sister Rafinha is with his mother, like Inglis, she was born not long ago.
A flying beast appears out of nowhere and crashes right where the kids and their mothers are. Inglis’s mother and Rafael try to defend them, but one blow is enough for both of them to lose consciousness.
At that moment, Inglis seizes the opportunity, and unleashes a small part of his power, saving his family from imminent death.
From that moment on, Inglis’s goal is to keep a low profile, avoid attracting attention and be able to develop his abilities as he dreamed of in his previous life.
And to do it, he learns to recognize the magical environment that surrounds him, and without hesitation uses his power to step out of the spotlight and help his family along the way.
(英雄王, 武を極めるため転生す ~そして, 世界最強の見習い騎士♀~)