In Hajimete no Gal, Junichi dreams of having a girlfriend, however he…
In Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Arui wa Sekai ga…
In Roshidere, Alya is completely unapproachable at school, except for Masachika, who…
In One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki, Shintarou is a student who lives…
In Jiisan Baasan Wakagaer, an elder couple notice a golden apple growing…
In Unnamed Memory, Oscar seeks the power of a witch, hoping her…
In Lv2 Cheat, Banaza is summoned to another world as a hero…
In Madome, Zagan is known and feared as an evil sorcerer. One…
In 7th Time Loop, Rishe had her engagement to the crown prince…
In Gekai Elise, as an empress, Elise was a disaster, she reincartates…
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