Utena is an introverted girl who loves her town, because it is not rare to see magical girls in action, especially the beautiful trio that protect them, Tres Magia.
She looks up to them and fantasizes about transforming into a cool heroine who fights evil like them.
One day, Venarita, a mascot bat figure approaches her and asks if she would like to experience a magical transformation. Venarita claims that Utena has magical power lying dormant within, and she gets excited immediately.
The transformation occurs as expected, however, her outfit is quite revealing and Venarita tells her she will be a great villain.
Utena does not want to be a villain, her dream was to help Tres Magia fight evil. She tells Venarita that she does not want to take part of it and leaves.
The next morning, Utena thinks everything was a dream, but finds Venarita in her room. No one, but Utena can see Venarita, and once at school, he forces her to transform once again.
Unaware that the girls of Tres Magia are in her class, Utena face them once she unleashes some of her villain powers.
Tres Magia girls end up trapped by a plant monster and Venarita pushes Utena to attack them.
Suddenly, Utena starts discovering how fun it is to inflicting pain on others, and her true nature begins to emerge. However, she lacks stamina and finally Tres Magia end up defeating her.
Rather than becoming a magical girl of justice, Utena will become an evil general in the Enormita organization.