Tomoatsu is a young man who works as a therapist at the Smiley Boar clinic.
His goal is to help his patients relax through his massages, or to design diet, exercise and nutrition plans to help them lose weight.
Today, a somewhat intimidating patient has arrived, with her face covered and a pair of dark glasses. So Tomoatsu’s boss asks him to attend to her.
The patient, Elfuda, begins to tell him a story full of fantasy, in which she tells him that some time ago she came to the human world and that among the food she tried she discovered fries.
Some time later, when Elfuda tried to return to her city, she couldn’t do so due to the weight she had gained by eating fries every day.
Tomoatsu doesn’t want to make his client uncomfortable and simply listens and asks her to get ready to receive a massage. The experience is totally new for Elfuda and when she is touched she is surprised, letting out a pair of pointed ears.
Tomoatsu confirms that she is a real elf, and decides to help her. After all, if she does not regain the weight she had when she arrived, she will not be able to return home.
The following days, Tomoatsu helps Elfuda changing her eating habits, to exercise and to complement her treatment with reducing massages.
After a few weeks, the results are evident and surprising, Elfuda appears at the clinic to thank her for the help and says goodbye, leaving for home, after a long time of not doing so.
Days later, after an exhausting day, Tomoatsu decides to go grab a bite, and remembering Elfuda, decides to go for a hamburger for a change.
Just about to taste his food, Tomoatsu sees a familiar silhouette. Elfuda has returned and has gained weight again with her diet of fries.
Apparently, she and other girls will require his attention.