In the emergency room of a private hospital, a group of doctors are struggling to take care of several patients.
Yu and Mai try to decipher the patients’ ailments, but time is running out.
And not because the patients are in a serious condition, but because Yu must report to the pathology research department, where he is assigned to assist the director.
Minutes pass and suddenly Takao, the eccentric director of the aforementioned department, arrives.
Takao is an extremely young girl, but very talented and observant. She asks Yu, or Kotori, as she calls him, to hurry up, but he asks for time to help the patients.
Takao decides to listen and observe what worries her assistant and soon discovers that a child received an overdose of vitamins, or that an old man has a stomach infection.
Before they leave the emergency room, a strange patient arrives guarded by the police. Upon seeing Takao, a detective asks her not to interfere.
The patient is in critical condition, and although everyone participates, he ends up being declared dead. One of his legs is severed, apparently bitten, and most shockingly, he has blue blood.
Takao’s curiosity is immediately piqued, and although she receives clear orders not to get involved, the young doctor cannot pass up the opportunity to investigate the case.
Reluctantly, Yu accompanies her boss to search for clues at the scene of the crime, where they end up meeting police investigators, who know that the girl could mena troubles.