Now in his second year of high school, Masamune has taken over the leadership of his school’s manga club.
His determination is such that he claims that nothing and no one can separate him from what he loves most, especially when he talks about Liliel, a fictional character from his favorite series.
Masamune’s obsession with Liliel is such that he swears he has no interest in real girls, or 3D girls, as he describes them.
The school year begins, and if it were up to Masamune, he would stay alone with Liliel all year, but new students have the right to request information, and if they wish, to join.
At that moment, Risisa appears, a new student who timidly asks Masamune about the manga club.
While Ririsa looks around the room, she comes across Masamune’s collectible figurines, who imagines that in the eyes of a girl they will be unpleasant.
But on the contrary, Ririsa watches closely and even says that Liliel would look better in another type of underwear.
Masamune is surprised, and even more so when Ririsa confesses that she likes ecchi characters, even if they are aimed at men.
The conversation couldn’t go better, and Ririsa dares to make another confession to Masamune. And then she takes out different books of cosplay photographs, some with very revealing outfits.
Ririsa tells Masamune that she dreams of creating her own book, and showing it to the world, and that seeing his enthusiasm, she thinks that Masamune could be the one to take the photos.
Masamune is stunned when Ririsa tells him that she wants to show him an outfit that she has prepared and begins to change her clothes. Using a blackboard, he covers the windows and prevents other from seeing her.
Ririsa impersonates Liliel, in such a perfect way, that Masamune begins to think that dressed like this, Ririsa looks very attractive.