All his life, Junta has been an ordinary student, perhaps too ordinary.
For whatever reason, often, his presence is completely ignored by his classmates and even his teachers, and while being literally invisible can have his advantages, it has also forced him to lead a lonely, friendless life.
However, now that he is in high school, the girl who sits next to him in the classroom, Nagisa, has not failed to notice his presence, and even talks to him on a daily basis.
Nagisa is a good student, a great athlete, and everyone seems drawn to her, and compared to Junta, it’s a complete opposite world from him.
As Junta searches using his phone, Nagisa approaches him and takes a picture. As she reads, Junta asks her to delete the photo, because it is somewhat embarrassing for him.
But instead of doing it, Nagisa uses the photo to force Junta to show him how invisible he can be to the rest of his classmates, so she asks him to stand in his place while the teacher teaches his class.
Junta decides to play along with Nagisa, until the teacher asks him to get off his desk and sit down. At that moment, the rest of his classmates notice his presence, some even say that seeing him can be a good luck charm.
Days later, Nagisa continues to experiment with Junta’s invisibility, and decides to investigate if someone could sit on his lap without noticing his presence.
Junta tries to explain to her that they would surely notice, but before he can, Nagisa sits on his lap and looks around him to see if anyone has seen them. At that moment, Junta loses his mind and Nagisa continues to have fun.
In class, Nagisa forces Junta to participate and answer a question once the teacher asks the class, and although he has no idea, she helps him and asks him to do the same if he gets the chance.
At the end of the day, Nagisa wants to exchange her cell phone contact with Junta, but before he can, he disappears.
Finally, Nagisa finds Junta in a park and asks if the phone’s camera can recognize him up close, and seeing that he doesn’t come out well, she gets close enough to take a selfie photo.
Nagisa asks him for his contact again, and tells him that she will send him a copy of their photo, and also tells him that they should go out together one of these days.